Sunday, May 5, 2024
Have you seen the latest detox trend? Are you anxious to try green juice? You should save your money. The market is flooded with diets, eating plans, and trends in detoxing and cleansing products. Manufacturers would have you believe that there are...
High blood pressure doesn’t have to steal your libido Larry has high blood pressure. He knew he’d have to change his diet. He’s even enjoying the exercise. But he’s not at all happy with his loss of libido. Where did it go? It turns out...
The answer will surprise you. Can this simple lifestyle secret cure diabetes in men? Will easy, moderate activities actually cure diabetes? The answer will surprise you. Dr. Ann Albright is not only cute. She is a director at the Centers for Disease...
As if we needed another reason to love coffee! Coffee is a magical elixir that helps us feel awake. It helps us to cram for projects. It helps us to stay awake the day after that big project! And it helps to protect...
You’re tired. All. The. Time. But do you know why you’re so exhausted? There could be a medical issue. Then again, it could just be something you’re doing. If you’re fatigued and don’t have any other symptoms, it could be the way...
So many men have high blood pressure. And diet is a big part of lowering your blood pressure. Eating right at home can be easy. There’s time to plan and to cook. But what to do when it’s lunch and the vending machine...
Heart disease. Everyone’s heard about it. It’s the number one killer in the U.S. The CDC estimates that 2,200 Americans die of heart disease every single day. But there is good news. There are simple and easy lifestyle changes that you can make to...
Laughter really could be the best medicine. It turns out that having a good laugh is great for your health. So have a laugh with friends. Tell jokes with your family. And the next time you have a really great laugh, you’ll know...
Serious Health Problems For Men With Low Testosterone Many men are low in testosterone. And low testosterone may be causing serious health problems. According to the CDC, 1 in 4 men is going to experience low testosterone at some point in their...
Is Yogurt the new Prozac(r)? What if eating yogurt calms you down you better than pills do? In an amazing study, Dr. Kirsten Tillisch of UCLA Medical Center and her colleagues have shown it’s possible! Dr. Tillisch is studying how the microbes...

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