Sunday, May 5, 2024
You have Type 2 diabetes. You monitor your blood sugar regularly. You’re careful about what you eat. Well, most of the time… Lunch is often where it all comes apart. Deadlines compete with meetings, and suddenly you grab anything you can from the vending...
Ben’s got low testosterone. And now his doctor says he’s got heart disease. “That wasn’t the worst news,” Ben said. “Doc says that having both is really dangerous.” As if the sexual side effects weren’t enough, this is more bad news for men...
You have a pain in your arm. But you’re not worried. If it were important, you’d feel worse. And you’re busy. But there are symptoms you should never ignore! No matter how busy you are, if you have any of these 3 symptoms, get...
Larry’s concerned about his prostate. Prostate issues run in his family. He’s not having any problems himself yet, but he’s worried. “I’ve heard that there some foods that make it more likely I’ll have prostate problems,” Larry says. Larry goes on, “and since...
Reach for the antiacids after every meal? Wake up with heartburn at night? Zack does, and he’s sick of it! “My doctor gave me medication for my heartburn, but I hate them,” Zack says. Zack goes on, “a friend of mine told me...
I love sweets. But what’s not to love? Sugar adds so much flavor. It gives us an energy boost. And we feel great right after we indulge. This sounds like a winning situation to me! If only it really was all a win. But the truth...
Trying to quit smoking? Are the cravings driving you crazy? Did you know that you can kill those cravings with massage therapy? Well, you can! Maria Hernandez-Reif Ph.D. of University of Miami was the lead author on a study that shows that self-massage...
Allen has a big presentation for work tomorrow. But he can’t sleep. “I’ve tried the pills my doctor gave me,” Allen says, “but I hate them.” Allen tells us, “I feel dizzy, I’m still tired, all day, and then I can’t again...
Hoping for a long life? Most of us are. There are plenty of things we do to try to live longer. But there are also mistakes we’re making that work against us. Here are 11 things that can actually shorten your life. You’re having...
Getting older has its perks. Being older and wiser isn’t a bad thing. Being more experienced helps too. But men are more likely to have lower testosterone levels as they age. Lower testosterone leads to a lower sex drive. It causes erectile dysfunction and...

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