9 Home health checks that could save your life!

There are several screenings to do directly after you shower as well.

9 Home health checks that could save your life!

A critical test to perform routinely at home is to spot Testicular Cancer.

After a warm bath or shower, stand in front of the mirror and check for any swelling.

You’ll also want to do a manual check for any lumps that your doctor should know about immediately.

It may be nothing, but this is one of those times when you do not take a wait and see attitude.

All men should also perform breast cancer checks.

Most men will think this is purely a woman’s issue, but men have the same type of breast tissue that is so problematic for women.

You should check for lumps and anything that wasn’t there the last time you checked.

And this is another one you do not wait to figure out… call the doctor’s office right away.

After a shower is also a great time for a mole check.

Using a mirror, scan yourself all over for any moles or anything that looks unusual, or appears to have changed since the last time you checked.

Pay special attention to the skin around your head, neck and upper back since this is where most men who develop melanoma find it.

You want to study up on the ABCDE’s of mole surveillance: asymmetry, borders (blurry or jagged edges), color (black or multihued), diameter (more than a quarter inch across, or growing), and evolving (changing size or shape).

Spotting melanoma early seriously increases the treatability of the disease.

By performing these checks routinely, you’ll be poised to notice quickly if there are any changes you want to give your doctor a call about.

