The #1 predictor of amputation in diabetics

There are also things that patients can do at home in order to prevent issues, or catch them early.

The #1 predictor of amputation in diabetics

The most critical thing that a diabetic can do to avoid neuropathy and related nerve damage is to monitor blood sugar vigilantly.

Since high sugar levels are the key to causing the nerve damage, this step can’t be emphasized enough.

Diet, exercise, and glucose monitoring regimens can be the difference between healthy limbs and a lost foot.

Patients should keep their feet clean and dry at all times.

Wear clean socks every day, and check throughout the day to be sure your socks haven’t become damp.

The moisture breeds bacteria, and any open sores are more likely to become infected.

Diabetics should also inspect their feet thoroughly every day for open sores, blisters, cuts, cracked or peeling skin.

They should watch for any redness and swelling.

If they have a difficult time examining parts of their feet, they should ask a friend or loved one for help.

It’s also important to trim toenails straight across and then carefully file sharp points away in order to prevent ingrown nails and scratches from sharp toenails.

Comfortable, cushioned shoes with support are also a critical tool for keeping your feet healthy and preventing neuropathy.

