Does raising your testosterone prevent heart disease?

Men with both low testosterone and heart disease are more likely to die sooner.

Does raising your testosterone prevent heart disease?

Studies have shown before that low testosterone is a risk marker for developing heart disease.

And now a shocking study done by Dr. Kevin S. Channer, of the prestigious Sheffield Hallam University has shown that having both low testosterone and heart disease is even more likely to lead to an early death.

In a country where 1 in 4 men over age 30 is dealing with lowered testosterone, this is really scary!

Researchers don’t know yet if low testosterone causes heart disease, or if heart disease causes low testosterone.

But the two problems go together all too often.

And both low testosterone and heart disease are linked to poor diet, being overweight, and a lack of exercise.

And, having both low testosterone and heart disease is a one-two punch.

Dr. Channer wants men to have testosterone screenings as part of a normal physical. He feels that this critical and inexpensive test could help save countless lives.

Dr. Channer says, “Using the screenings as a way to identify at risk men could lead to earlier treatment.”

Earlier detection and treatment could be live saving for many patients.