11 signs that your testosterone is low

Sexual symptoms are usually the first that men notice.

11 signs that your testosterone is low

If your sex drive has diminished significantly, you may have low testosterone.

Testosterone drives libido, and if it’s absent, is your desire for sex.

Another impact that low testosterone can have on your sex life is the ever dreaded erectile dysfunction.

If your testosterone is low, then it does not trigger the release of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is what triggers an erection, so this chain reaction leads to either a complete lack of erection, or not being able to keep one.

Another thing to watch for is a low volume of semen.

Testosterone is directly linked to how much semen a man produces for ejaculation.

Ejaculation is a cooperative effort between the prostate, the testicles, and the seminal vesicles.

Each of these organs rely on testosterone to get production going.

So low testosterone will cause a noticeable decline in seminal fluid.

This is assuming that orgasm is able to be reached, since low T can make it impossible, or nearly impossible, to reach orgasm.

Numbness in the genitals is a symptom of low T that can be disturbing.

Men with low testosterone often have an “off” or numb feeling below the belt that just feels wrong.

This can lead to a loss of pleasure in sex, or avoiding it all together.
